What Sets OZ Capital Apart?
Not every situation will appeal to a traditional mortgage lender, but that doesn't mean they're out of luck. Our team will work with you to create custom borrowing solution that fit unique needs of your borrowers– we know that flexibility is key when it comes to mortgages, and we’re here to help make the process as smooth as possible for both you and your clients.
Most importantly, we're here to answer your questions and respond to any concerns. We understand that time is of the essence, and our team will work quickly and efficiently to ensure you have all the information you need whenever you need it.

What is our Process?
Submit your mortgage request to us via Filogix/Velocity/Landesk
Send us an email with all supporting documents including acceptable appraisal report to: deals@ozcapital.ca
Or upload directly to our secured link.
Our underwriter will reach out to you with a pricing quote. ​If pricing is acceptable, we will send you a mortgage commitment letter outlining all terms and o/s conditions, if any. Once we do receive a signed commitment along with confirmation of a legal retainer sent to our solicitor, we will instruct the file.​ Once all solicitor conditions are met, your deal will fund.
Click below to download our latest lending guidelines: